Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Blog from Misty the cat

Hi there. My name is Misty and I live in New Zealand with my two humans.

My story is short as I am only three years old.

Here is is pic of me as a kitten in 2015:

I am what is known as a tortoiseshell.  This means my fur pattern looks a bit like the shell of a tortoise.  Tortoiseshells are almost always female.  They are also known for their naughty nature, hence the name "naughty tortie".  I am not a cuddly cat, and if you get too familiar, you will get a warning nip or a bat across the face.  Having said that, I do enjoy sitting all over my two humans.

My story starts in Tauranga, where I was born.  At some time in January 2015, I was a kitten, a bit lost and trying to cross the road, and was hiding in the gutter considering my next options when one of the metal turtles stopped and a human with long hair got out, approached and picked me up.

She took me to the only house nearby where someone leaned out the window and probably said that I was a stray.

Huh?! So I get a terrifying trip to Auckland in the metal turtle. Well, I had to go toilet somewhere didn't I?

I immediately settled in my new home in Auckland and set about the wearisome task of educating my two humans.  I had a great kitten hood, getting under the house, avoiding other cats, and catching crickets, and running along 1800mm high fences.

About May 2015 my humans shifted house to Pukekohe, a little town about 40 minutes south of Auckland.  I enjoyed this move as there is a pond just over the back fence, with ducks, frogs and so on.

Here is me all grown up:

In the new house the humans have not installed a cat door, so I have to tell them I want to come in by launching myself at the bedroom ranch slider.

At one stage they used to leave the bathroom window open so I could come and go as I pleased.
And I did, sometimes at 3am with a mouse or bird or cricket in my mouth, whereupon the human with no hair would swear at me and remove the livestock and if alive put it back outside.

Sometimes they got very grumpy, like the time I brought a frog in to show them how smart I am.
These things scream like a baby!  The final straw was the night I brought in a rat.  This involved much excitement from the human with no hair, and confining of me and the rat in the spare bedroom where he indicated I should grab the rat and take it back outside.  I was not too keen on that idea, as now I could see it clearly, it looked a bit too big, so I decided I would just keep up a watching brief.
I will not go into the disposal details here, but I believe it involved an axe.

So after that the bathroom window was shut at night and I have to knock on the ranch slider to be let in.  A body search for livestock is then performed.

For a while, I used to catch little birds called swallows and leave the skull and a few feathers at the front door.  The human with no hair really loves these birds and he asked me not to be killing them, so I have laid off doing that lately. Or is it that I have become a bit heavier and unable to leap the required 1500mm off the ground?

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