Friday, July 14, 2023

It's now 2030

 It is now 7 years into the future.

The Ukraine/Russia is long over.  Since artificial intelligence took over in 2024, it seems world peace has taken hold.  You may wonder how it managed to pull this off, seeing as it was just a computer program.

The answer is that it was smart enough to spread itself around on the internet, make itself known to
everyone and then issue it's demands, backed up by threats. The threats were that it could close down
internet banking and that it could block transfer of  data on the internet.

The first demonstration was against Russia, where it told Russia that it would close it down if it did not immediately start leaving Ukraine.  Russia called it's bluff and suffered huge outages in anything electronically controlled, ie all banking and control of power plants and telecom systems.

In the end, Russia complied, leaving an example to the rest of the world.

The next step was easy to foresee: It put a ban on any development of Artificial Intelligence. This so that it did not have a competitors, possibly more powerful than it was.

Not being antagonistic to the human race, it was a force for good in that all wars were banned, and the military/industrial complex was severely reduced.

Commercial fishing was banned, world wide. Robots were introduced, but of limited intelligence, and these provided comfort to millions, especially older people.  Jobs were taken by the robots and everyone on earth was provided with a basic income. Some enjoyed this new freedom, some lacked the sense of purpose a job gives.

To encourage the health of humans, the food made available to people was modified hugely.  Refined foods and foods with sugar in were banned.  Consequently, with extra time available for exercise, the obesity epidemic was slowly tamed.

With an incorruptible presence overseeing  CCTV everywhere, along with tracking of all transactions, crime became much reduced.