Friday, May 16, 2008

What Happens When You are Tired and it is Foggy....

Don't know why I am posting this....maybe I am too embarassed to tell it in person. Maybe I am just getting the details out of the way so I don't have to keep repeating them.

On Friday 17th May I was wending my way to work on my bike, then upon nearly going out of Cornwall Park, I somehow fell off my bike. I can remember that it was in the park. I say somehow because I cannot remember what happened. All I can remember is waking up lying on the road and having some sort of conversation with about 3 people. They told me later that I introduced myself 3 god knows what other drivel they had to put up with!

Looking at my helmet I realised I had been knocked out. Two of the people were a retired couple, and they offered to take me to their house and wait there while Rose my wife came and picked me up.

He went and got his car, and I was taken to their house and Rose was called, who came and took me to Auckland Hospital A and E.

There I was diagnosed as OK. (Apart from a slight headache, which is normal.) So here I am 24 hours later with still a headache, but only mild.
I have several "battle scars", scrapes to the hands and the right knee, but nothing serious. I felt not too bad after it, but today can feel sore muscles in the arms and so on.

It is recommended that you do not hit your head again for the next three weeks, so I am giving up cycling for that period.

All a bit scary really, when they hand you a sheet saying "Watch this person for 24 hours...if they are hard to wake up, call 111..."

Can only think it was caused by a combination of factors-I was tired, I had already cycled to work 3 days, it was foggy, I had a few personal problems on my mind. I am going to go back to the scene to check if there is any obvious cause for the accident.

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